Dezvăluirile unui preot român: Acum cîțiva ani, Episcopul-vicar al Arhiepiscopiei Chișinăului, Nectarie Clinci, a găzduit o manifestare a lgbt-iștilor, mascată sub un nume înșelător
Saitul Sinodului, în 4 limbi (greacă, engleză, rusă și franceză), e acesta. Iar aici avem canalul de Facebook, în limba engleză, al acestui eveniment al Bisericii.
Decizia de publicare a opiniilor dvs ne aparţine în întregime. Responsabilitatea juridică pentru conţinutul comentariilor dvs va revine în exclusivitate. In cazul in care contin expresii necuviincioase sau calomnii suntem nevoiti sa-l anulam. Va multumim pentru intelegere.
iata gasca de ecumenisti mediocri, printre care o „mare” catolica, care se ocupa exclusiv de comunicarea externa a Sinodului cu presa .. daca astia nu sunt schimbati si site-ul desfiintat, bisericile ortodoxe nu trebuie sa se duca la sinod … clar nici sarba, nici bulgara, nici romana, nici rusa nimic!…/outlines-of-an…
Outlines of an Ecumenical Ecclesiology – Content – Ecumenical Patriarchate: Holy and Great Council
Theological commentary on ecumenical relations.
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STefan Staretu
STefan Staretu Thus it would be possible for the Orthodox Church to maintain that those Christian bodies who have maintained, in their faith and practice, key elements of the True Church of Christ, are “churches” in the proper sense even if they are deficient in other aspects. Validly performed Baptisms carried out in these churches gives the individual believer a relationship with the True Church of Christ (and thus the Orthodox Church), despite the fact that s/he is not yet fully in communion with it. By coming to Orthodoxy with the desire for full communion the individual seeks to move from impartial communion (established by his/her baptism and other means of sanctification found in his/her church) to full communion (established by chrismation and/or profession of the Orthodox faith) with the True Church of Christ. citat … iata ce se scrie pe site-ul oficial de presa al sinodului
iata gasca de ecumenisti mediocri, printre care o „mare” catolica, care se ocupa exclusiv de comunicarea externa a Sinodului cu presa .. daca astia nu sunt schimbati si site-ul desfiintat, bisericile ortodoxe nu trebuie sa se duca la sinod … clar nici sarba, nici bulgara, nici romana, nici rusa nimic!…/outlines-of-an…
Outlines of an Ecumenical Ecclesiology – Content – Ecumenical Patriarchate: Holy and Great Council
Theological commentary on ecumenical relations.
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STefan Staretu
STefan Staretu Thus it would be possible for the Orthodox Church to maintain that those Christian bodies who have maintained, in their faith and practice, key elements of the True Church of Christ, are “churches” in the proper sense even if they are deficient in other aspects. Validly performed Baptisms carried out in these churches gives the individual believer a relationship with the True Church of Christ (and thus the Orthodox Church), despite the fact that s/he is not yet fully in communion with it. By coming to Orthodoxy with the desire for full communion the individual seeks to move from impartial communion (established by his/her baptism and other means of sanctification found in his/her church) to full communion (established by chrismation and/or profession of the Orthodox faith) with the True Church of Christ. citat … iata ce se scrie pe site-ul oficial de presa al sinodului